
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy was founded in North America in 1874 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. The concept of viewing the human as a holistic entity composed of the body, mind, and soul has been at the core of osteopathy since its inception. In the United States, all osteopaths are medical doctors, while in Europe, medical and osteopathic training are separate paths.
Osteopathy is a manual therapy method approved by Valvira (National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health) in Finland. Its goal is to examine, treat, and prevent dysfunctions in the body. Osteopathic education in Finland spans four years and includes extensive studies in anatomy, physiology, differential diagnostics, and medicine.
Treatment is based on a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology, aiming to guide the body back to optimal alignment and function. In osteopathy, the individual is treated as a whole, focusing not only on the symptomatic area but on the person as a complete entity.

For Whom is Osteopathy Suitable?

Osteopathy is suitable for everyone. The treatment is always individualized, making it very safe and effective.
In osteopathy, a variety of techniques are used based on the individual’s body and preferences. The treatment may involve leveraged techniques, where rhythmic movements are applied to the spinal and joint areas using limbs as levers. Tense muscles are addressed with soft tissue techniques. Different visceratechniques are employed for treating tissues, membranes, and organs in the abdominal area. Overactive bodily functions are calmed through inhibition, while inactive or locked areas are activated through stimulation.
The head area can be treated with various cranial techniques, releasing tensions in the membranes or influencing the function of cavities. Vertebrae and joints are addressed through articulation and mobilization techniques, enhancing mobility. Manipulation involves safely opening and releasing stiffness through passive movements.

What Does Osteopathy Help With?

Osteopathy can address almost all types of body issues. Those who work in sedentary roles often seek help for back, neck, and shoulder pain, which can be caused by factors such as poor posture.
Osteopathy can treat disorders of the nervous system, such as numbness and tingling in the hands, as well as dizziness. Osteopaths are also familiar with conditions like migraines, headaches, and dental misalignments.
Contemporary issues like insomnia, depression, and stress, which often afflict many individuals, are reasons for many to seek the services of an osteopath.
Athletes often visit for osteopathic care due to overuse injuries and sports-specific issues. Individualized treatment can expedite recovery and aid in the body’s overall recovery process.

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